Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate Bioniche Pharma



Product Description: Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate Bioniche Pharma


Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate by Bioniche Pharma is a high-quality anabolic steroid designed to enhance muscle growth, strength, and performance. It contains Testosterone Enanthate as the active ingredient, which is a long-acting ester of testosterone.

Specific Details

– Manufacturer: Bioniche Pharma
– Active Ingredient: Testosterone Enanthate
– Strength: 250mg/ml
– Presentation: 10ml vial

Features and Benefits

– Muscle Growth: Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate promotes protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle mass and size.
– Strength Enhancement: It enhances strength levels, allowing athletes to lift heavier weights and perform better in their respective sports.
– Performance Improvement: This product improves overall athletic performance, including endurance, speed, and power.
– Increased Red Blood Cell Production: Testosterone Enanthate stimulates the production of red blood cells, improving oxygen delivery to muscles and enhancing stamina.
– Enhanced Recovery: It accelerates post-workout recovery, reducing muscle soreness and fatigue.

Possible Side Effects

– Estrogenic Side Effects: Testosterone Enanthate can convert to estrogen, leading to water retention, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), and increased blood pressure.
– Androgenic Side Effects: Possible androgenic side effects include acne, oily skin, hair loss, and increased body hair growth.
– Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production: Exogenous testosterone can suppress the body’s natural testosterone production, requiring post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormone levels.

Usage and Dosage

– Beginners: A typical dosage for beginners is 250-500mg per week, administered via intramuscular injection. This dosage should be divided into two equal injections per week.
– Experienced Athletes: Experienced users may increase the dosage to 500-1000mg per week, depending on their goals and tolerance. Again, this should be divided into two injections per week.

Benefits for the Buyer

– High-Quality Product: Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate by Bioniche Pharma is manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring purity and effectiveness.
– Trusted Manufacturer: Bioniche Pharma is a reputable pharmaceutical company known for producing top-quality products.
– Fast and Discreet Shipping: Anabolicsteroidsshop.com offers fast and discreet shipping to customers in England, ensuring timely delivery and privacy.
– Secure Online Shopping: Our online sports pharmacy provides a secure and user-friendly platform for customers to purchase their desired products with confidence.
– Knowledgeable Customer Support: Our team of experts is available to assist customers with any queries or concerns they may have regarding Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate or any other products.

By choosing Anabolicsteroidsshop.com, customers can be confident in the quality of Enanta-Med Testosteron Enanthate and enjoy the convenience and reliability of our online sports pharmacy.


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