Methenolone Enantate 100mg Hilma Biocare



Product Description: Methenolone Enantate 100mg Hilma Biocare

Methenolone Enantate 100mg by Hilma Biocare is a high-quality anabolic steroid that is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance their performance and achieve their fitness goals. This product is known for its exceptional quality and effectiveness, making it a popular choice among both amateur bodybuilders and experienced athletes.

Dosage and Course of Use

  • For amateur bodybuilders: The recommended dosage of Methenolone Enantate 100mg for amateur bodybuilders is typically 300-400mg per week. It is advised to divide this dosage into two equal injections per week to maintain stable blood levels.
  • For experienced athletes: Experienced athletes can increase the dosage to 600-800mg per week, depending on their individual goals and tolerance. Similarly, it is recommended to divide the dosage into two injections per week.

Methenolone Enantate 100mg has a long half-life, which allows for less frequent injections compared to other steroids. The course duration typically ranges from 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the individual’s goals and experience level.

Benefits of Use

  • Promotes lean muscle growth: Methenolone Enantate 100mg helps to increase muscle mass while minimizing water retention, resulting in a more defined and sculpted physique.
  • Enhances strength and performance: This steroid improves strength levels, allowing athletes to push their limits during intense workouts and competitions.
  • Preserves muscle mass during cutting phases: Methenolone Enantate 100mg is highly effective in preserving muscle mass during calorie-restricted periods, making it an ideal choice for cutting cycles.
  • Minimal side effects: Compared to other anabolic steroids, Methenolone Enantate 100mg has a lower risk of estrogenic and androgenic side effects, making it a safer option for many users.

Possible Adverse Reactions

While Methenolone Enantate 100mg is generally well-tolerated, it is important to be aware of potential adverse reactions, which may include:

  • Androgenic effects: These can include oily skin, acne, and increased facial or body hair growth.
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production: Like all anabolic steroids, Methenolone Enantate 100mg can suppress the body’s natural testosterone production. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended to restore hormone levels.
  • Cardiovascular risks: High doses or prolonged use of Methenolone Enantate 100mg may increase the risk of cardiovascular issues, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol imbalances.

Why Buy from OrderSteroidsUK

OrderSteroidsUK is your trusted online sports pharmacy in England, offering a wide range of high-quality products, including Methenolone Enantate 100mg by Hilma Biocare. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Authentic products: We guarantee the authenticity and quality of all our products, ensuring that you receive genuine Methenolone Enantate 100mg.
  • Competitive prices: We offer competitive prices, allowing you to get the best value for your money.
  • Discreet packaging: We understand the importance of privacy. All orders are discreetly packaged and shipped to ensure your confidentiality.
  • Secure payment options: Our online platform provides secure payment options, ensuring that your personal and financial information is protected.
  • Fast and reliable shipping: We strive to provide fast and reliable shipping, delivering your order to your doorstep in a timely manner.

Choose OrderSteroidsUK as your trusted source for Methenolone Enantate 100mg and experience the benefits of this exceptional anabolic steroid.

Additional information

Active ingredient

Methenolone (Primobolan)

Active ingredient, mg


form of production


1 bottle, ml


Bottles per pack, pcs.



Hilma Biocare


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