Parabolan 100mg Ice Pharmaceuticals



Product Description: Parabolan 100mg Ice Pharmaceuticals

Parabolan 100mg by Ice Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective anabolic steroid that is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance their performance and achieve their fitness goals. This product is known for its exceptional potency and ability to promote muscle growth, strength, and endurance.

Dosage and Course of Use

  • For amateur bodybuilders: It is recommended to start with a dosage of 100mg per week, divided into two equal injections of 50mg each. This dosage can be gradually increased to a maximum of 300mg per week over a period of 8-12 weeks.
  • For experienced athletes: The dosage can range from 200mg to 400mg per week, divided into two or three injections. The duration of the cycle can vary from 8 to 12 weeks, depending on individual goals and tolerance.

It is important to note that Parabolan 100mg should not be used for longer than 12 weeks to minimize the risk of potential side effects.

Benefits of Use

  • Significant increase in muscle mass: Parabolan 100mg promotes protein synthesis, leading to rapid muscle growth and development.
  • Enhanced strength and endurance: Users experience improved performance, allowing them to train harder and longer.
  • Improved nitrogen retention: This helps to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, essential for muscle growth and recovery.
  • Reduced body fat: Parabolan 100mg aids in the breakdown of fat cells, resulting in a leaner and more defined physique.
  • Increased red blood cell production: This leads to improved oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the muscles, enhancing overall performance.

Peculiarities of Use and Dosage

It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and cycle duration to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. Parabolan 100mg should be administered via intramuscular injection, preferably in the gluteal region. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or experienced trainer before starting a Parabolan cycle.

Possible Adverse Reactions

  • Androgenic side effects: These may include acne, oily skin, hair loss, and increased body hair growth.
  • Cardiovascular complications: Parabolan 100mg can potentially affect cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production: Prolonged use of Parabolan may lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, requiring post-cycle therapy to restore hormonal balance.
  • Virilization in women: Female users may experience masculinizing effects, such as deepening of the voice and enlargement of the clitoris.

Why Choose OrderSteroidsUK in England?

OrderSteroidsUK is your trusted online sports pharmacy in England, offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service. When you purchase Parabolan 100mg from us, you can expect:

  • Authentic and genuine products: We source our products directly from reputable manufacturers, ensuring their authenticity and effectiveness.
  • Fast and discreet shipping: We prioritize your privacy and guarantee discreet packaging and prompt delivery to your doorstep.
  • Competitive prices: We offer competitive prices for all our products, allowing you to get the best value for your money.
  • Secure online transactions: Our website utilizes advanced encryption technology to ensure the security of your personal and financial information.
  • Knowledgeable customer support: Our team of experts is available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have regarding our products or services.

Experience the benefits of Parabolan 100mg and achieve your fitness goals with confidence by choosing OrderSteroidsUK as your trusted supplier.

Additional information

Active ingredient

Trenbolone Hexa

Active ingredient, mg


form of production


1 bottle, ml


Bottles per pack, pcs.



Ice Pharmaceuticals


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